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Individual Essay

For this assignment, I had to write a  800-1000 word essay on a given topic. My topic was to design a student lounge for Taylor's University. I also had to incorporate the university's core values and apply the theories I learnt in E.P.C class into my design.​ I have to say I admit this one was tough because it is rather hard to explain your design ideas through words on paper. Hence, it made me realize that architecture requires a very holistic approach in order to communicate your ideas through.


Class test

As for our class test, we were tested on several chapters. The hard part was not the test itself, I would rather say time management was crucial during that period when we had the test. We had several heavy submissions on that week and everyone was focusing on those projects solely. Hence, I think this is the reason I flunked this test. I remember staying up whole night studying after filming one of our project for the whole day. I only had less than 2 hours of sleep before I head back to university. I could have done better if I studied earlier. And it is too late to say that now! 

Drama Script

For this final project, we were separated to groups that we do not usually team up with. I guess this is to train our leadership skills and push us to collaborate with different people. We had to either choose a drama script or comic strip. Our team were working on a drama script based on the subtopic- "Verbal Messages".​ We came up with a typical high school love story and the script revolves around the romance of this girl and guy who met each other during Prom Night. I learnt to apply the theories I learnt in class into new examples that we came up with. I also learnt to explain the theories specifically based on our script.


Photo Credits:

Student Lounge

Chan, B. (2011) FIDM San Diego Campus / Clive Wilkinson Architects. [electronic print] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 June 2013]

Test Paper

AEI. (2012) Americans Failing Citizenship Test again. [electronic print] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 June 2013]  

Dear John poster

Balkind, B. (2010) Dear John poster. [electronic print] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 June 2013]

© 2013 by CHEAH EE VON. All rights reserved. All photographs are of original work including website background theme unless stated.

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