This project is a case study of the Rural, Suburban and Urban Context.

​We were assigned to do a research on one of the topics in the lecture series such as nature, landscape, space, building or infrastructure. The sites that we visited for this case study are Kampung Pulau Meranti, Cyberjaya and Putrajaya. We decided to do our research based on the topic "Buildings". We had to observe and collect as many information as we could throughout our field trip. We took many photographs and brochures along the way. The following photographs are just a few of the hundred photos we took on that day itself.
After that, we had to compile and organize the information we collected into an A4-size report. I was elected as the leader of my group for this assignment. I learnt a lot from this assignment. The assignment refined my leadership and communication skills because I had to segregate tasks to my members and make sure they do their work. Furthermore, I also learnt more about Green buildings which is the field I would like to venture into in the future.

The television antenna at most of the "kampung" houses in Kampung Pulau Meranti is now considered old-fashioned amidst the sophisticated Astro satellite dishes we have in our homes.

Coconut trees are seen every corner of Kampung Pulau Meranti. This is a common sight at most villages in Malaysia.

This is one of the few traditional Malay houses left in the village.

Tropical plants such as Bird Nest Fern, Hanging Lobster Claw and Mangrove Fan Palm are among the favourite choices for landscaping at Cyberjaya.

The architectural style of this commercial block is influenced by the Neoclassical movement.

This serviced apartment has a rectilinear structure. Its columns are also placed in orthogonal grid form.

This steel arch structure at our country's federal administrative centre captures my attention the most. It actually serves as an elevator. It goes up to the tenth floor of the building only.

Also known as The Palace of Justice, this building serves as our country's Court of Appeal and Federal Court. Its architectural style is strongly influenced by Islamic designs.

Dubbed as the iron mosque, the mosque serves as the second principal mosque in Putrajaya, Malaysia after Putra Mosque.