This module is all about introducing to us the roles and responsibilities of each player in the field.

"My Place, My Memories" Collage
We were assigned to make a photo collage of our home town. I guess this is the opportunity for me to show the world how beautiful Penang is. I truly love my home town and I am proud of it. Penang has grown so much in terms of infrastructure and heritage conservation. Just browse through my photos and you will know what I mean :)

*All photos are of original work by Cheah Ee Von

Client/ Project Manager As A Team Player in Construction Industry
As for this assignment, we were to produce a proposal based on a site we choose around our university compound. I teamed up with my best friend, Lai Min Hui. We decided to build a spa centre at the corner of our famed lake.

I really enjoyed this assignment because it is almost like a simulation for me to start off as an architect. Our lecturer, Puan Has showed us some great work from the previous semester. Thus, we aimed to be better by using AutoCAD to draw our plans and Google Sketchup to produce 3D models.

*All layout plans and 3D model elevations are of original work by Cheah Ee Von & Lai Min Hui
Issues Faced in The Construction Industry Video
Lastly, we did a video based on the issues faced in the construction industry. We had a new member in our group. Her name is Liu Chun Jun.
Due to the fact that we lack of manpower, we decided to use cartoon characters to compensate as our co-actors.
To be honest, it was quite a different experience working with people of different nationalities. Min Hui is from Brunei, while Chun Jun is from China. Nevertheless, I am grateful to have this opportunity working with a diverse group of people.