The aim of the idea journal is as a medium for students to express, record ideas and process.
I never expected to have this type of assignment for Foundation. I loved doing these kind of journals as a kid but I never got the patience to finish the whole thing. Thus, I was very excited about this idea journal. We were given a theme for our journals. For our term, we had a "Monster" theme. Every single idea journal was very challenging. The topics were creative and it allowed us to grow and expand our ideas.

Personally, this idea journal is like my cartoon storyboard. Each time I started working on it, it felt as if I was producing a mini series. The feeling was awesome and it motivated me until the very last part of our journal. Who knows? Maybe I will publish this journal of mine in the future. *smirks*

(IDJ1) Mind map.

Story board 1 of how I became a monster.

Story board 2 of how I became a monster.

Sketching process of my monster.

Activities as a frozen yoghurt monster.

Tissue from Tutti Frutti with my monster's poop stain.

(IDJ2) Mind map.

Layout plan of Yogurtland (my monster's city).

Details of my monster's home.

Leisure/ entertainment zone for my monster's city.

(IDJ3) Mind map.

Introduction to my sidekick: Dumpster.

Comic strip for Dumpster.

Introduction to my villain: Subramaniam.

Comic strip for Subramaniam.

(IDJ4) Mind map.

Poster & invitation card draft for my monster's event: Monster Poolside Party.

Activities and the day of event.

Front cover of my idea journal.

Close-up of my book cover design inspired by Tutti Frutti font style & colours.

Spine of my book cover.

Back of my book cover.

Synopsis of my idea journal.