This is my A2 size presentation board for my art installation. Inspired by MSLK's Watershed project, I came out with a Christmas tree with plastic bottle ornaments partly filled with colored water to represent the large amount of petroleum used to produce plastic water bottles.

This is my A2 size presentation board for my art installation. Inspired by MSLK's Watershed project, I came out with a Christmas tree with plastic bottle ornaments partly filled with colored water to represent the large amount of petroleum used to produce plastic water bottles.
Art Installation
Our batch was lucky because we could participate in SPARTFEST! '13 - The First Arts Festival which takes place in our university. Thus, for our final project, we were assigned to create a full scale 1:1 art installation. We had to prepare an A2 size presentation board and a scaled model of our art installation.

I got my inspiration from MSLK's Watershed project in the USA. I wanted to highlight the issue of Malaysians for over depending on plastic water bottles. Research shows that Malaysians purchase 120 plastic bottles every 30 second. If we could make a stop to this culture, we could be able to save 1.5 million barrels of petrol. My art installation looks like a Christmas tree with plastic bottles as its ornaments.