Project 1 consists of 9 sketches. We had to go to several locations and carry out our sketching exercise. This exercise improved our sketching skills as well as our critical thinking skills when it comes to selection of angles and perspectives. We are also encouraged to use different techniques in our sketches.

Exploring zig zag, cross hatching techniques. As seen here, a person is preparing to jog.

Exploring texture, tones, proportion, perspective, light and shadow.

Perspective sketch generation. As seen here, using a real photo as a guide to generate a creative perspective.

Exploring how spaces communicate with each other. In here, I explored how the lower floor connects people with the upper floor through the escalator and how the window displays connects with the people walking at the corridors.

Exploring 3D form, silhouette and structural depth. As seen here, I learnt how to generate sketches using geometric forms as my base.

People engaging in spatial activities. In here which is getting on and off the Light Rail Transit (LRT).

As seen here, loose scribbles and zig zag forms are used to generate the quick sketches capturing the rough shape and major details of the object.

Exploring one point perspective here.

As seen here, the sketch shows zoomed in details of two structural joints.